Severe Storm and Tornado Threats
To provide storm monitoring and early alert for imminent threats of severe weather and tornado activity to
the citizens of New Deal, Texas.
It has been established that New Deal Fire / EMS is the front line of storm spotting and alert for the citizens
of New Deal, Texas. This policy will outline the procedures to allow for the earliest possible warning, provide
for the possible safety of its citizens, personnel and apparatus. We will encourage our citizens to be alert to
possible threats, respond appropriately, and New Deal Fire / EMS will use all means possible to alert its
1. Whenever severe weather with the possibility of tornado development exists New Deal Fire / EMS will:
A. Summons personnel through the pager alert system to report to the station. This will include
all Fire and EMS personnel. All personnel should report to the station for apparatus
assignments. Personnel should respond to the station in a normal fashion (NO LIGHTS OR
B. Establish a Fire Emergency Operations Center which will establish communications with all
units in the field, monitor, and communicate with the National Weather Service, Monitor
Skywarn spotter activities, and monitor local television stations and radars. The EOC will then
be responsible for relaying that information back to the field units.
C. Deploy apparatus and personnel to designated spotter locations.
D. Command 6 will also begin monitoring all weather information. Command 6 will be equipped
with the ability to view current radar and the use of thermal imaging.
2. In the event that tornado activity is reported or spotted:
A. That information will be confirmed and command for alert issued
B. Alerts will be accomplished using Fire and EMS vehicles using a combination of alert signals.
That combination will be a 2 second air horn blast followed by a 10 second constant wail siren
tone and the sequence then repeated for up to 5 minutes or until it is no longer safe for
personnel and their apparatus to remain in the area. (During Storm Watches, Apparatus
responding to other emergencies will not use air horns for any reason so as to not confuse the
C. These alerts will be broadcasted by apparatus following pre planned routes and will follow
those routes until such time as is necessary to remove those apparatus and personnel from
harms way.
3. In the event that a tornado should strike the City of New Deal:
A. Apparatus and personnel should have sought safety in areas outside the city and preplanned
a route to return to the city to begin rescue and recovery operations.